How does the heat pump work?
Air to water heat pump is a system capable of taking heat from outdoor air, a completely inexhaustible energy supply, to heat and cool your home and to heat water for domestic use. But how does this renewable energy source work?
Keep reading to find out how the air to water heat pumps work.
The first thing to remember is that aerothermal energy is a heat pump air to water to produce heat or cool according to the user needs and domestic hot water (DHW). .
There are a number of heat pumps on the market so to make things easier, we’ll use a system that is familiar to us all: air conditioning.
A heat pump is another example of the split air conditioning that we all know. Whereas aerothermal heating uses an air to water heat pump, split air conditioning is an air to air heat pump.
Both heat pumps work on the same principles.
Air conditioning relies on an outdoor unit that we can often see on the outside of buildings or shops, with an interior unit which brings the heat or cool air into the room.
Have you ever been walking down the street in high summer and had a blast of hot air from one of these condensers? The unit that you have passed is the outdoor component of a split air conditioner.
When we want cool air inside, split air conditioners dispense the hot air outside and disperse the cool air inside, which is what produces the air to air exchange.
During the winter, split air conditioning reverses the process, pushing warm air inside and dispensing the cool air outside.
Aerothermal heating system operates in the same way as air conditioning or an air to water pump.
It has an exterior unit (it looks the same as an air conditioner) and an interior unit which is more of a type of wall-mounted boiler than a split air conditioner.
This type of wall-mounted boiler is called Hidrokit and it transfers energy from ambiental exterior air to the water circuit, an air to water heat pump. And from this: hot water.
This hot water is then dispersed by the heat pump and is distributed to underfloor heating, radiators, fancoils and hot water taps, providing heating in the home and domestic hot water for showers and taps.
During summer, aerothermal systems can cool the home by distributing cold water. This is spread to cool the floor or fancoils.
This cooling system is not viable through radiators as it is not possible to disperse cold air through a radiator.
When domestic hot water is needed, the heat pump’s cycle can change in a moment.
What is the difference between heat pumps air to water units and air conditioning units?
The principle of their heating methods is very similar, as both take exterior air and provide hot or cold air for the home. However, the biggest difference is in the means through which heat is dissipated through the house.
Heat pumps air to water get the desire temperature through underfloor system evenly heat rooms, creating a much more comfortable experience. A feeling of total comfort.
Split air conditioning only disperses hot or cold air in certain parts of the home. Similarly, it can accumulate in the roof when there are different elevations.
Nevertheless, underfloor heating does not produce air circulation, so it does not raise dust, does not change air humidity and creates a much healthier environment. This system obtains better yields, because thermal inertia is achieved and maintained in the home with lower energy consumption. In addition, the heat pump air to water can also generate hot water for taps and showers.
Is it worth installing an aerothermal heating system rather than air conditioning?
A split air conditioner can be bought for a reasonable price, nevertheless, the price of heat pumps aire to water depends on installation costs, the type of equipment, the specifications of the home etc.
The costs for the aerothermal installation include domestic hot water production systems, as well as the split air conditioning units, like fancoils.
The benefit of installing the equipment is very simple: it is a long-term investment that will cut your bills and electricity consumption, generating four times more heat than a traditional heating system.
With it, you not only save but you will comply with tightened energy laws. Furthermore, you can gain peace of mind with a renewable energy system that does not contaminate the environment and helps to maintain a cleaner and more sustainable planet.
If you want to know more about our Thermira air to water heat pumps, have a look at some of the products that Elnur Gabarron have ready for you.