Given the large number of replacements of gas and diesel boilers with electric boilers, many customers raise the same doubts and concerns when making the change. In this article we want to explain all the advantages of why electric boilers are one of the cheapest, safest and most sustainable options to replace gas or diesel boilers. We will give you the information you need to choose the most suitable electric boiler for your home, out of the different available models and power ratings.

Factors to consider when installing an electric boiler


Lifestyle Kitchen with a Electric Boiler


What is an electric boiler?

An electric boiler is an electrical device designed to generate heating by heating the water in a hydraulic circuit that runs through the different rooms of a house. The hot water that circulates through this circuit passes through the water radiators or through the underfloor heating of the house, transmitting heat and providing comfort to the environment.

This type of system is valid for heating all types of homes, commercial premises or even buildings, as its power can vary from 3kW to 54kW. This installed power can even be exceeded when several cascading units are used.


Can I have domestic hot water as well as heating?

Of course. This is one of the most frequently asked questions, as most customers with a gas or diesel boiler, who want to change to an electric boiler, enjoy domestic hot water in addition to heating. It may seem obvious, but some users call thinking that, in addition to the boiler for heating, they must include an electric water heater in order to enjoy DHW. However, this is totally unnecessary, as we have heating-only models and combi electric boiler models for heating and domestic hot water.

So, now that it is clear that an electric boiler can replace any gas or diesel boiler to heat a home through radiators or underfloor heating and produce domestic hot water, we will explain the advantages and disadvantages of installing electric boilers today in the residential sector.


Installing an electric boiler
Installing a gas boiler
  • No maintenance.
  • Easy installation.
  • 100% performance level.
  • No smoke outlet or ventilation system is required, only connection to the mains.
  • They are safer: there is no possibility of gas leaks, explosions, or carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • They can run on renewable energy such as solar power.
  • Suitable for all types of climates.
  • The price of the device and its installation is lower.
  • Zero-emission operation.
  • No supply problems.
  • They usually require an increase in electrical power in the house.
  • The price of electricity fluctuates and it is advisable to choose a competitive electricity rate.
  • In the last decade gas has been cheaper than electricity.
  • A performance rate of between 90% and 100%, depending on the models.
  • They are usually oversized and it is not necessary to calculate their power exactly.
  • They require regular checks and maintenance.
  • More complex installation.
  • They require a smoke outlet and must be installed in rooms with ventilation.
  • There is a possibility of leaks.
  • Natural gas does not reach all geographical areas.
  • They require fossil fuel for their operation.
  • The price of the device and its installation is higher.
  • The energy crisis has led to soaring prices and possible gas supply shortages.
  • They emit CO2 in their operation.


Now that you have an idea of the benefits of installing an electric boiler, we will continue by clearing up the typical questions that arise in terms of knowing which electric boiler and specifications must be considered when choosing the right electric boiler for your home.


Factors to consider when installing an electric boiler

Contracting more electrical power

This issue is one of the main concerns of most users who are thinking of replacing their current boiler with an electric boiler. There are many users who have a current contracted power of 3.3kW, 4.2kW or 5.5kW and when they consider switching to an electric boiler, they tell you that they do not want to contract more power than they already have. In this case, if that is the power you have contracted for your appliances and current electricity consumption, it is not possible to install an electric boiler to give you heating and hot water without contracting more electrical power than you already have, because you are adding an additional electrical device to your usage. If we were to look at it from the same perspective with another system, it would be like saying that you want to install a diesel boiler, but you do not want to spend money on diesel, nor do you want to store it.

If you switch to an electric boiler you will no longer consume fossil fuels such as gas or diesel, there will be no type of combustion and no CO2 emissions and, therefore, it will not be necessary to comply with the regulations regarding rooms with ventilation with an exterior outlet and to undergo the compulsory annual maintenance.

However, you will have to adapt your contracted power so that the differential does not trip due to lack of power. We recommend checking which electricity rate will be most convenient for you within the wide range of existing rates.


Operation of an electric boiler for heating and/or domestic hot water

Depending on the needs of your home, electric boilers can provide heating exclusively using water radiators, underfloor heating systems and even mixed heating circuits, in which both systems are integrated in the same home. You can also choose a boiler model that includes domestic hot water, solving both needs with the same device. Our combi electric boilers incorporate a 50L water tank to offer domestic hot water. One of the questions we often receive is whether you will be able to have hot water immediately or, if the water in the tank runs out, how long it would take to get water again.

A boiler is not like an electric water heater, which has to heat the water with a power of 1500 or 2000W. A boiler will use all its power to heat the water from the very first moment hot water is required, so at no time do users normally notice a lack of water, nor do they have to wait a long time for DHW. Water production is immediate and even if you were to use the whole tank at once, it would only need a few minutes of heating, depending on the power at which the boiler works and the temperature at which the water is to be heated.

Furthermore, in the case of combi boilers, if hot water is required all year round, it is possible to turn off the heating circuit at the end of the winter season and keep only the hot water part in operation.


Installation of an electric boiler

Not all homes have the same space, nor do they have the same place inside the house to install a boiler. Elnur Gabarron offers wall-mounted and floor standing boilers to meet the different needs of homes. Installation is fairly simple, but we always recommend that it is carried out by a professional installer, who will ensure that the wiring is connected correctly and that the cable section and the electrical installation are correct for the proper functioning of the equipment.


Easy and quick installation

As already noted above, installation is usually quite quick and simple, even more so for boiler replacements. Furthermore, they do not require smoke outlets or annoying ventilation grilles, which facilitates their placement in new systems.



The wiring found in different homes can be single-phase, in which electricity enters through a single phase, or three-phase, in which the home has three phases through which electricity circulates from the outside. It is important to take into account the type of system you have, as boilers can be adapted to both three-phase and single-phase systems and are usually factory configured to adapt the wiring to your system.


Boilers that adjust their consumption and adapt according to your system

It may seem obvious, but it is not, as not all boilers on the market are capable of adjusting to a set maximum power and regulating their consumption to adapt to the ambient temperature of the home.

At Elnur Gabarron, we offer smart electric boilers that can adjust their power from 3kW to 18kW, depending on the square metres to be heated and the location of the home. Heating a house in Madrid is not the same as heating a house in London, Rome or Berlin. And in the same way, the boiler needs different outputs depending on the meters and insulation of the house.

55 m2 house in Madrid with radiators and medium insulation needs a 4kW electric boiler and a 110 m2 house needs 8kW boiler

In both examples, the recommended model would be the 15kW CMX15i, although the maximum power of the electric boiler could be limited according to the needs of each house.

Furthermore, in order to limit the maximum working power of the electric boiler according to the needs of the home, these boilers with smart electronics can do the following:


  • Heating: Adapt consumption to the needs of the home in real time. When the home reaches the selected temperature, the electric boiler will reduce its operating power to maintain the temperature, consuming only the necessary power.
  • Hot water: The boiler can activate a function that studies the weekly hot water usage habits of the user, reducing the set temperature during periods of inactivity.


Which boiler output to select depending on your home

This is another key question that everyone asks before they start looking at prices and budgets. You are interested in an electric boiler, but what power should you choose to ensure a comfortable temperature in winter, as well as hot water?

Because we know that it is no simple task and that deciding which boiler power to install generates many questions and uncertainty, at Elnur Gabarron we have made it easy for you. If you are interested, let us know and we will put you in contact with the distributor in your area.

Don’t wait any longer, and switch to safe and sustainable electric heating, free of emissions in its operation.

You can visit the following link if you need more information about our smart electric boilers.


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